假设我们从Session中装入了一个Parent对象,用户界面对其进行了修改,然后希望在一个新的Session里面调用update()来保存这些修改。对象Parent包含了子对象的集合,由于打开了级联更新,Hibernate需要知道哪些Child对象是新实例化的,哪些代表数据库中已经存在的记录。我们假设Parent和Child对象的标识属性都是自动生成的,类型为java.lang.Long。Hibernate会使用标识属性的值,和version 或 timestamp 属性,来判断哪些子对象是新的。(参见第 10.7 节 “自动状态检测”.) 在 Hibernate3 中,显式指定unsaved-value不再是必须的了。
//parent and child were both loaded in a previous session parent.addChild(child); Child newChild = new Child(); parent.addChild(newChild); session.update(parent); session.flush();
Well, that's all very well for the case of a generated identifier, but what about assigned identifiers and composite identifiers? This is more difficult, since Hibernate can't use the identifier property to distinguish between a newly instantiated object (with an identifier assigned by the user) and an object loaded in a previous session. In this case, Hibernate will either use the timestamp or version property, or will actually query the second-level cache or, worst case, the database, to see if the row exists.